Friday, August 29, 2008

better late than never?

Greetings, cousins.

I'm sure you all recall our beloved matriarch's 90th birthday party? But only the precious few who made it to the after party will recognize this blog's name. For it was there, in the Philadelphia Holiday Inn, that the idea for Don't Tell Margaret was born.

At its inception, Don't Tell Margaret was meant to be an elaborate private website with various password protections (to keep the parents out) and festive graphics (such as the widget that would count down the number of days of living in sin Mary Beth had left before her wedding). It was meant to be a clearinghouse for all sorts of cousinly information - complete with family tree, favorite quotes, and a private confessional. What fun is it, after all, to be part of such an entertaining extended family if you don't have a forum for sharing your secrets?

Though my enthusiasm for the idea never faded (I even bought the domain name right away), as it turns out I don't actually know how to build a website, at least not one worthy of not telling Margaret about... Never one to be deterred by a lack of talent, I held on to my dream. In fact, I still have the original plans - though some are simply illegible thanks to all the wine we were drinking - and thus, when I stumbled across the team blog feature this evening (while actively avoiding my law school applications) I said to myself, "aha," or, more in tune with that fateful evening, "aarrrgggghh!"

I do hope you'll join me in posting here. All matter of content is more than welcome. As your far off California cousin, I feel particularly removed from your everyday affairs...

Seems like, as the administrator, I've got to send you an invite to contribute. I have a handful of cousinly addresses (or "numbers" as my mom has been known to call them), leaving me, oh, only about 39 cousins shy. So spread the word (email me at to get listed) and get to posting.

Perhaps Kevin will get us started with a photo of the other great idea spawned at the after party - the Margaret tattoo? After all, he's got law school application essays to avoid too.


Anti Jen said...

P.S. Please be sure to vote on the poll. I just realized that by being the only participant, I have already spilled my first secret. Oops.

cousin_Jeanne said...


I typed into my computer for at least a year after that night. Definitely better late than never. At least you saw your drunken idea through. I still haven't had the cousins party that I have promised at every family function that has served wine. I've got some ideas, though.

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